Hughes Photography & Videography


Model & TFP Casting

We are always looking for new models to help us try ideas...

Angela and James

Is it really free?

Yes! All TFP or Time For Print shoots are free, you don’t get charged for the session or any images but in return we ask that you understand this is an experimental session and that we will publish some of the images.

Can anyone apply?

Our model casting is open to anyone over the age of 18, we use the form below to gather details about what kind of photography we are looking to do. Sadly as you might expect we always get far more apply than we have time to shoot with, so priority is given to those that are most flexible!

How to apply...

Simply fill out this short form as best you can and we will be in touch! Remember the more detail you’re able to provide the more likely we will be able to find photoshoot idea we can collaborate on.

A bit about you...

Age confirmation(Required)
Applying as
Can you travel?

What would you like to shoot?

Types of modelling you're interested in doing?
We have a range of shoot ideas that we want to try out, rather than keep asking each person what they would be happy to do we've made a short list.

From your selections here it will ensure you are only invited to sessions that are of interest to you!
Introduce to others?
We work with a lot of other local photographers who are often on the lookout for models for their own projects. Please let us know if you're happy for us to pass on your details.

Help us plan around your look

Please where possible include a photo. This is only used for planning shoots and will not be published.
Accepted file types: jpg, png, tif, jpeg, heif, Max. file size: 512 MB.
Please where possible include at least one photo!

If you're able to provide more shots or if you have modeled before and have any shots of past work you would like to include or reference shots of yourself it would be a big help in planning what to shoot with you and avoiding repetition.

No images will be retained or published, it's strictly for planning purposes. But this really helps us with planning!

If you have any interesting outfits or locations we could use that you think would work well for a shoot it is also helpful to send pictures.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, tif, jpeg, heif, mp4, mov, avi, wmv, Max. file size: 512 MB.